Share IT

branding, web & mobile, design & communication

identity reinvention through website and stationary transformation

Share IT is a company specialized in nearshore and offshore technology that allows IT and marketing departments to have a specialized development team tailor-made to each project.

We were challenged to find Share IT's identity so it would fit the brand's positioning and services, redefining its image and digital presence.

Share IT is a company focused on tomorrow and with a very digital ID, two characteristics that we highlighted through a dynamic, technological identity with a futuristic feel, without losing sight of the practical component that allows it to adapt to various projects and find a resource for each proposal. 

Based on this concept, we have redesigned the website and stationary to be more in line with the philosophy and values of the brand. The website follows the best UX & UI practices, leaving users without any doubts about the brand's technological skills and digital competences. Navigation is interactive and guides the user in an immersive way to find the best solution for the challenge at hand. We also ensured the communication pieces for social networks, maintaining a visual and identity consistency of all Share IT communication channels. 

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Brandability Shareit Estacionario Detalhe3


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Brandability Shareit Website Detalhe4 Bloco3

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